Blog Archives

Lime- Ground Limestone

The magnesium and calcium found in our Lime – Ground Limestone are helpful tools in counteracting the effects of acidic soil on your lawn and is less harmful to handle than other...

21-0-0-24S Ammonium Sulfate

The 21-0-0-24S Ammonium Sulfate is ideal for crop fields with soil deficient in Sulphur. Sulphur does not circulate within the plant so a continuous supply is ideal during the growth of the crop....

Rose Food 15-10-10

Roses sometimes come with a reputation for being high maintenance but by using our Rose Food 15-10-15 you can have beautiful rose plants with bright and healthy flowers. Like many plants, a balanced...

Weed & Feed 21-7-14

After your turf grass has established an adequate root system, Weed & Feed 21-7-14 is positive reinforcement for the prevention of broad-leaf weeds  while still providing nutrients to the turf grass. For maximum effectiveness, water thoroughly 1-2 days...

46-0-0 Urea

Great for a getting your lawn green quickly, the 46% nitrogen is essential for growth of your lawn or garden. 46-0-0 urea is a great by itself before a light rain (to...